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Handle Multiple Data Sources With Ease!

Unifying data, merging sources from multiple applications, & transforming data are tasks in themselves that can be a roadblock for many organizations.

A Unified API for multiple data sources

This unified API will allow you to query, transform, mutate data and integrate with multiple different frontends. Here is a sample project for you to get started.👇

    Customer Information dashboard
    Hydrate data from these different sources saving you the trouble of manual integration. Walkthrough the guide to learn how to hydrate references from multiple sources.
    Github PR Dashboard
    Track your PR's on Github in the form of a dashboard. A step-by-step guide to building your own custom PR Dashboard in just a matter of minutes.
    Postgres dashboard
    Learn how to build a dashboard on top of PostgresSQL database with React, Powered by Canonic"
    Marketing dashboard
    Want to monitor data from multiple social channels? We’ve got you covered. Get all your data in 1 dashboard and customize it as per your needs

The perks that come along!

Unify you fragmented data, create dashboards and more

    Aggregated Data
    With support for multiple data sources and no-code integrations. It becomes incredibly easy to aggregate data and transform it into a precise API.
    Unified API
    Each data source has its own API which leads to multiple API calls to separate services. Build a unified API to manage and integrate data sources with ease.
    Custom Dashboards
    Build dashboards that are backed by a unified/single API to manage all the multiple data sources. You can also link to existing databases to build quick APIs on top of them.

A Unified API for multiple data sources

  • Connect Multiple Datasources
  • Instantly create Unified API on top of it
  • Easily display desired fields from multiple data sources to a Dashboard